Ultrasound of lymph nodes at the Eskulap clinic in London. Ultrasound examination of enlarged lymph nodes helps to assess the patient’s condition and the precision of diagnosis.

Ultrasound examination of lymph nodes – indications

Enlarged lymph nodes larger than 10 mm should be examined by ultrasound. When patients complain of pain in the area of the lymph nodes, an ultrasound examination should also be performed. Lymph node pain may be associated with the lymph nodes swelling quickly. Moreover, if skin lesions are found within the lymph nodes, it is also an indicator for performing an ultrasound examination of the lymph nodes.

Not all symptoms that indicate the need for an ultrasound scan of the lymph nodes are associated with a serious disease. However, regardless of which lymph nodes are enlarged, an ultrasound should be performed to determine the cause of the problem. Bacteria, viral infection, diseases such as leukemia or lupus (autoimmune disease).

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    Ultrasound scan of lymph nodes – contraindications

    Lymph node ultrasound is as safe for the patient as other ultrasound procedures. The indications described in the medical literature and the experience of doctors indicate that there are no contraindications for the examination. Ultrasound of lymph nodes can be performed both in children and in pregnant women, and if necessary, it can be repeated many times. The ultrasound of the lymph nodes does not require any preparation. This rule does not only apply to the lymph nodes that are in the abdominal cavity. In such case, such ultrasound of lymph nodes should be presented on an empty stomach.

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