Ultrasound of the joints at the Eskulap Clinic in London.

Diagnosis of diseases and arthritis.

Assessment of the tendons adjacent to the joints – Achilles tendon, palmar and dorsal fascia. Examination in inflammatory conditions, after injuries, in the presence of degenerative diseases, in the presence of fluid in the joint, after surgery, in systemic diseases affecting the joints – RA, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus = SLE = lupus and others. Also examination of the median nerve in carpal tunnel syndrome.

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    Indications for ultrasound examination of joints.

    Achilles tendon rupture, carpal tunnel syndrome, suspected Baker (Backer) cysts are other indications for ultrasound of the locomotor system in specific pain conditions.

    Among the indications for the examination are not only pain (acute, after an injury, but also chronic) of the joint, but also: a feeling of stiffness, jumping, friction in the joint, its swelling or redness of the surrounding skin, as well as the suspicion of degenerative or inflammatory changes. Break in the continuity of the bone structure (e.g. in a fracture) can also be visualized during ultrasound examination.

    Preparation before ultrasound of the joints.

    Ultrasound examination of the joints does not require any preparation. After the examination, a specialist radiologist analyzes the images obtained and draws up a description of the results obtained. The patient receives it along with the essential prints on paper (or on a different medium). You can return to everyday life immediately after the examination.

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    The price of ultrasound procedures for joints and tendons.

    See the full price list of ultrasound examinations at Eskulap clinic in London, diagnostic and ultrasound procedures: HERE.

    Contact data

    147 Ruislip Road,
    Greenford, London
    UB6 9QQ

    phone 07747 474755

    Opening hours:

    Mon – Sat 11:00 – 18:00

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