If you notice brown spots on your skin – fungal infections, excessive sun exposure, hormonal changes or natural aging processes are just a few of the possible causes of their occurrence. Where do these changes come from, what do they mean, and how to effectively deal with them? You will find the answers in the article below.

What can brown spots on your skin mean?

Brown spots on the skin are discolorations that result from the overproduction of melanin – the pigment responsible for skin color. Their presence does not always indicate a serious health problem, although sometimes they can indicate diseases that require treatment.

Types of Brown Spots on the Skin

  • Freckles – a genetic tendency to develop them is most common in people with fair skin. They are harmless, although they can darken when exposed to sunlight.
  • Age spots – also called liver spots, are the result of long-term exposure to UV radiation and natural aging processes. They particularly affect older people.
  • Melasma – symmetrical discolorations that appear on the face, often as a result of hormonal changes, e.g. during pregnancy.
  •  Post-inflammatory discolorations – can occur in places of trauma, scratching or skin inflammation, such as acne.

It is worth remembering that every skin change requires observation, and in case of doubts it is worth consulting a dermatologist.

Brown spots on the body – causes

There are many causes of brown spots on the body. They can have a dermatological, hormonal, genetic basis, or even result from an unhealthy lifestyle. Here are the most common reasons for their occurrence.

Natural aging processes

Brown spots on the skin of older people appear as a result of the accumulation of melanin. These are most often age-related changes, all the more pronounced if the skin has been exposed to sunlight for years.

Sun exposure

UV radiation is one of the main factors of discoloration, it also causes brown spots on the skin. The causes are improper sun protection, so they can be easily prevented by using filters with a high SPF and avoiding excessive exposure.

Skin fungus

Brown spots on the skin under the breasts or in other moist areas often have a fungal basis. These infections are especially common in places where the skin has limited ventilation. They can also occur in people with weakened immunity.

Hormonal disorders

Hormonal changes in the body, such as during pregnancy, menopause or when using hormonal contraception, can cause overproduction of melanin. The resulting melasma can be difficult to remove without professional treatments.

Internal diseases

Brown spots on the body in older people can sometimes signal liver, kidney or hormonal system diseases. In such cases, medical diagnosis is necessary.

How to remove brown spots from the skin?

Removing brown spots from the skin depends on their type and cause. In some cases, home care may be effective, but in others, treatments in a professional aesthetic medicine clinic will be necessary.

Cosmetics for hyperpigmentation

In the fight against discoloration, it is worth reaching for products containing active substances:

  • azelaic acid – has a brightening and anti-inflammatory effect,
  • arbutin – a natural ingredient that brightens discoloration,
  • niacinamide – supports skin regeneration and evens out its color.

An important addition to daily care are sunscreens, which prevent existing spots from deepening and protect against the formation of new ones.

Professional treatments

Aesthetic medicine treatments provide quick and lasting results, especially in the case of difficult-to-remove discolorations. How to remove brown spots from the skin in a clinic? Helpful are, among others:

  • chemical peels – they help exfoliate the outer layers of the epidermis, which allows to remove discolorations,
  • laser therapy – advanced technology that precisely eliminates pigmentation changes,
  • mesotherapy – introducing active substances into the skin supports its regeneration and reduction of discolorations,
  • Dermamelan – medical peeling that gives very good results for problems related to melasma,
  • Plexr – plasma device for lifting excess skin and other skin changes such as discolorations.

You can find a detailed offer of treatments in our aesthetic medicine office.

Home methods

Although home methods are not as effective as professional treatments, they can support daily care. Popular methods include lemon, milk or honey masks, which have a brightening effect. However, it must be remembered that the effects can be subtle and require regularity.

Prevention – how to prevent pigmentation?

Preventing hyperpigmentation is much easier than treating it. Here are a few simple rules:

  • daily sun protection – use creams with a high UV filter, even on cloudy days;
  • regular care – choose cosmetics adapted to the skin type and its needs;
  • healthy lifestyle – a diet rich in antioxidants and avoiding excessive stress have a positive effect on the condition of the skin;
  • avoiding irritating cosmetics – aggressive products can deepen existing discoloration.

Using these simple rules every day allows you not only to minimize the risk of discoloration, but also to keep your skin in good condition and healthy appearance.


Some people experience unusual brown spots on their skin. What is it? These changes can be the result of many factors, such as age, exposure to the sun, hormonal changes or fungal infection. Understanding their causes is the first step to effective removal. Choosing the right method – from cosmetics, through home remedies, to professional treatments – depends on the type of discoloration and its severity. If you are wondering how to remove brown spots from your skin, consult a dermatologist or visit our aesthetic medicine clinic, where specialists will choose the best solution for your skin.


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