I practice the graceful art of discovering beauty in people

We talk about medicine and love for beauty with Dr. Małgorzata Lewicka-Kisiel, the owner of several aesthetic medicine clinics, including the London-based Eskulap.

Head and neck surgeon. Laryngologist with 40 years of experience. A certified aesthetic medicine doctor. Enterprising business woman. An energetic woman, still ready for new challenges. Beautiful blonde girl. Mother and wife.

You can say many words about Dr. Małgorzata Lewicka-Kisiel, but to feel her energy, you just need to get to know her. Already a half-hour conversation with her puts us in an optimistic mood.

In order to help people look and feel better, it takes a few essential skills that Dr. Lewicka-Kisiel possesses in enormous amounts. Empathy, that is the ability to listen to the needs of others, is essential; experience followed by patient safety; a sense of beauty and, of course, a skilled hand that knows all this flawlessly.

The main area of activity of Dr. Lewicka-Kisiel are currently three cities: Słupsk, London and Birmingham. She has established her aesthetic medicine clinics in each of these cities and has been running them in parallel for many years with great success.

Conscious Polish women and skeptical English women

The Eskulap Aesthetic Medicine Clinic is located in the London borough of Greenford. It is similar in Birmingham, just over a hundred miles away. Taking the opportunity to talk to a person who knows two markets well, Polish and English, we ask about the basic differences between patients in Poland and in the UK.

– Polish women are well versed in what aesthetic medicine can offer them. They are open to news. In London, despite being a huge, cosmopolitan city, the patients are much less aware. I am talking about white English women. Because it is completely different with, for example, Arab women who are extremely well-groomed and attach great importance to what they look like.

– At the beginning of my internship in London, I had to explain basic things to my patients. For them, aesthetic medicine was equal to botox every six months. Only when I started to make them aware of them, educate them, show them what, for example, mesotherapy, PDO threads or ozone therapy are, some of them started to dare to do things that they had not known before. However, I still see a huge difference in the approach to the beauty of Polish and English women.

Things are different, for example, with aesthetic gynecology. It is still not very popular in Słupsk. In the UK, women choose it more often. And again – Arab women are in the lead here, for whom the beauty of the body is an important value, and caring for it is something as natural as brushing your teeth.

– It is worth adding that aesthetic gynecology is not only a matter of appearance, but also health. For example, thanks to plasmolifting, problems such as cervical erosion or vaginal looseness can be positively influenced. We live in times when we have many opportunities to benefit from the benefits of medicine, and it is worth talking about it – explains our interlocutor. – It’s a matter of being conscious of choice – she adds.

Which treatments are most often used by patients?

During the first visit to an aesthetic medicine clinic, a potential patient usually has many doubts, and sometimes even prejudices. Therefore, each visit to the office of Dr. Lewicka-Kisiel begins with a thorough consultation, detailed explanations and examination of the needs. Then a treatment plan is made.

– When I meet a new patient whose aging processes have already begun, I search her face for what she has lost over the years. I am trying to recreate what was most beautiful about her in her youth. I use a whole range of repair treatments here, i.e. I fix shortcomings, and I emphasize what glitters – explains Dr. Kisiel.

What about people who are relatively young and would like to keep their youth for longer? This group of patients is recommended treatments from the preventive group, i.e. radiofrequency, plasmolifting, mesotherapy, etc.

– If, in addition to preserving youth, we also want to reduce beauty imperfections, I prepare a detailed plan of such action. For example, the patient may be young, but have very narrow lips that make her face look raw, or her face is too long or too wide – everywhere here we are able to act comprehensively and improve not only the patient’s appearance, but also well-being. Thus, we influence at a much deeper level such things as a sense of self-confidence and general attitude to life – says Dr. Małgorzata Lewicka-Kisiel. – I call it designing because it really looks like a creative design process. I practice the graceful art of discovering beauty in people.

I am the touchstone of all novelties

– I check everything on myself. I am the touchstone of all novelties. If something works, I introduce it in my clinics and suggest it to patients. If it doesn’t work or carries too much risk, I don’t offer that. Thanks to this, I certify my services myself. I can be a kind of eye proof for my patients of what works and how it works – explains our interlocutor.

– In this profession, in this field, one never stops learning. It is one of the most dynamically developing branches of medicine. Being up to date, testing myself and constantly learning mean that not only my body retains its youth, but also my mind – Dr. Kisiel radiantly smiles.

Family tradition and support for loved ones

Dr Lewicka-Kisiel is not the only doctor in his family. Her father, Bronisław Lewicki, an orthopedic surgeon, was the first doctor in Poland to sew the arm of an 18-year-old girl who suffered during haymaking. Also brother, sister-in-law and niece are doctors.

As she emphasizes, the success of her activity was also influenced by her husband, a gynecologist, and two sons, both after medical studies, work as Aesthetic Practitioners.

– Currently, one of my sons and my daughter-in-law, who is also a doctor, are slowly taking over the clinic in London. I know that after years of working together, I can easily give them this place, because we have the same definition of quality. I think about retirement very slowly, although with my energy level it is hard for me to imagine it – Małgorzata Lewicka-Kisiel reveals to us.

Taking advantage of the fact that such an experienced person is still in the profession and accepts patients, it is worth using their services. Both in Słupsk, as well as in London and Birmingham. Where and when can you make an appointment? – From Monday to Friday I run an internship in Słupsk. And every other week from Thursday to Saturday I see patients in England. In both countries I have exactly the same offer and the same modern devices – she explains.

– At the end, we can wish you much strength and further success. Thank you for a very inspiring conversation – we say goodbye to Dr. Lewicka-Kisiel.

– Thank you very much – our interlocutor smiles radiantly.

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