What is a prosthetic crown?


See how dental crowns restore a natural look – MOVE SLIDER

In anatomy, natural teeth consist of various elements, including the root and the crown. The crown is the part that brings us our beautiful smile and it is the aesthetic part that we see in the mouth.

Our teeth and enamel are very sensitive and if we lead to their damage in the form of a hole in the tooth or caries, the standard composite (filling) may not be enough and the prosthetic crown will be necessary to maintain the aesthetic appearance.

The prosthetic crown is a permanent restoration that covers the tooth crown, reproducing its correct shape and function. A prosthetic crown on a tooth can be graphically compared to a thimble on a finger.

The prosthetic crown is rigidly fixed which improves the shape of the tooth, size and color. Crowns are an important element of implantological treatment because the implant concerns the root part of the tooth and prosthetic crowns help to reconstruct our teeth. Take care of yourself today. Call today to arrange a consultation 07747474755. Visualization © Eskulap.co.uk.

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Why does my tooth need a prosthetic crown?

Are prosthetic crowns a good solution?

At Eskulap clinic in London, prosthetic crowns are used in cases where tooth crown reconstruction is the only method for obtaining a lasting effect. Strengthening weak teeth, improving their functionality and aesthetics. Used to rebuild a damaged crown on its own root or implant.

Crown-root inlays are made of an alloy of steel, gold or fiberglass. Before the insert surgery, root endodontic treatment is necessary. The procedure is not painless and there is no need for anesthesia.

Pre-made metal crowns of various sizes are also available on the market. Such crowns are used in adolescents suffering from molar-molar episodes or in children who have extensive first molars (sixes) damaged extensively. Before the growth is completed, an individual ceramic crown cannot be made, so a standard metal crown is temporarily used.

What material are the prosthetic crowns made of?

Crown-root inlays are elements that strengthen broken teeth. When the amount of tooth tissue is small, the crown or bridge is exposed to a high risk of fracture. In such cases, we use a crown-root insert that transfers the chewing force to the tooth root.

Different materials are the basis of the prosthetic crown. We use acrylic and composites to make temporary crowns. Durable crowns are made of metal, porcelain, composite or are all-ceramic. Metal crowns are durable, they are very often used in prosthetics thanks to their metal base (steel or gold) and porcelain. These crowns are a popular choice. Safe steel alloys with a special composition, characterized by high strength or in allergic people you can choose a non-allergic gold alloy. All-ceramic crowns – they present the best aesthetic features among all available options.

How long does it take to make the prosthetic crown?

The procedure for making the crown depends on whether you need to make the crown-root in advance. At our Greenford Clinic in London, on average, the performance of a prosthetic crown involves two or three visits.

Niezbędne są szczegółowe badania i przygotowanie zębów do szkieletu metalowego. Podczas pierwszej wizyty lekarz stomatolog na podstawie prześwietlenia sprawdzi stan korzenia. Jeśli stopień uszkodzenia jest spowodowany na przykład dużą próchnicą, jest duże ryzyko zakażenia, lub uszkodzenia miazgi. Być może zęby takie będzie trzeba najpierw wyleczyć kanałowo.

The doctor qualifies the tooth for prosthetic treatment using a prosthetic crown. Then, with special drills, he develops the tooth, trying to do it with the greatest possible tissue savings. After processing, an exact impression is taken using silicone mass. The visit ends with a temporary crown.

A dental practitioner can grind a tooth to make space for a new crown or may propose a root-crown inserted. A tooth impression is necessary to ensure that the new crown is adapted to the patient’s chewing capabilities. The dentist will make a temporary crown to protect the tooth. After that the doctor removes the temporary crown and the new crown is fixed permanently with special cement.

At the next visit, the doctor removes the temporary crown and controls the final crown provided by the technician. He must check every detail, because the crown must adhere perfectly to the developed tooth. If this is the case, the doctor degreases the patient’s tooth and cement the final crown. Depending on the cement used, the patient is asked to refrain from eating a meal for an hour, or he can eat right away.

Prosthetic crowns will help you regain the natural appearance of your teeth and your smile.

Tooth Implants

Used to replace missing or knocked out teeth.

Prosthetic bridge

We use a prosthetic bridge to enable the reconstruction of broken or knocked out teeth by attaching the crown to the adjacent teeth.

Dental Surgery

Broken or knocked out teeth must be rebuilt. Crowns, dentures, veneers help restore your smile.

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    We can divide crowns into temporary and long-term ones

    The temporary crown is cemented between visits in anticipation of the final crown. It is usually made of acrylic or composite aesthetic material.

    The long-term (final) crown can be made of many materials. All-ceramic crowns are the most aesthetic. We usually use them in the anterior segment. Due to the high forces acting on the crown in the lateral sections, ceramic crowns on a metal foundation are recommended. They are only slightly less aesthetic, but much more durable.

    Indications for the use of a prosthetic crown are:

    • restoration of a damaged tooth crown (through caries or after root canal treatment)
    • live tooth strengthening with numerous fillings
    • improving the shape of the tooth in order to better hold the denture clamp
    • protection of the tooth against pathological abrasion (patients gnashing teeth, bruxism)
    • tooth reconstruction with developmental disorders
    • improving the aesthetics of root canal treated and discolored teeth

    The contraindications should also be mentioned:

    • tooth too short or too narrow in the tongue-labial dimension
    • adolescent patients
    • teeth with periapical lesions (these lesions must be cured first)


    The veneer is a permanent prosthetic supplement that covers the labial or cheek surfaces of the tooth in the anterior and anterolateral segment. Just as we compared a crown to a thimble, so can a veneer be compared to a nail tip. It is characterized by excellent aesthetics with minimal invasiveness and preserved natural tooth structure. The veneer can be made of ceramic or composite material.

    A contraindication to veneer treatment may be:

    • tooth is too short
    • tooth with numerous fillings or carious cavities
    • patients with parafunctions (e.g. gnashing teeth, clenching teeth, biting nails)

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    What does the veneer procedure look like?

    Ceramic veneers are made by a dental technician, while composite veneers can be made by both a technician and a dentist.

    In the case of composite veneers made by a doctor, the whole procedure takes place during one visit. The doctor gently mattes the tooth enamel with an abrasive disc, and then, using a highly aesthetic composite, covers the tooth with a veneer. The procedure is completely painless, but due to the high precision of work, it is quite long.

    The procedure for making veneers with the help of a technician is very similar to the procedure for making a prosthetic crown. The only difference is the scope of tooth preparation (in the case of veneers, much less tooth needs to be ground).

    Quality and Safety

    Some elements of the prosthetic treatment using the crown may be uncomfortable for the patient. Your doctor may perform local anesthesia that eliminates pain. For the sake of your safety and well-being, in the clinic every procedure is preceded by a consultation. During the pre-surgery consultation, each patient must inform the physician about all their current and past illnesses, medications they are taking or have taken, and about their health. During the consultation, products specially selected for your needs will be presented. Consultation before surgery will dispel all your doubts and fears.

    Tooth Crowns - Before and After

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    147 Ruislip Road,
    Greenford, London
    UB6 9QQ

    phone 07747 474755

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    Mon – Sat 11:00 – 18:00

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