Treatment of functional disorders of the masticatory organ. Dental surgery Eskulap London.


Improving the appearance and chewing ability, correct bite, cross bite, undershot – MOVE SLIDER

Nowadays, getting a civilization disease is not a big problem. Civilization diseases include, for example, tinnitus, teeth grinding, headaches, and even a state of chronic fatigue.

Most of us, unfortunately, do not know that these symptoms may have a large relationship with disorders in the mouth. This may be due to our daily habits: sitting for hours in front of a computer, passive lifestyle, lack of physical activity or slouching. Visualization ©

Call our reception today to book your consultation.

077 4747 4755

Headaches and gnashing of teeth can deprive us of energy during the day. It can be treated

Dental treatment and research – How does it work?

There are detailed clinical studies that allow you to assess the function of the masticatory and joint muscles. After the initial diagnosis, the doctor informs the patient about the possibility of performing tests to start treatment as soon as possible, improving health and comfort of life.

Computer models show problematic places that allow the doctor to focus on a selected area during subsequent examinations, for example during computed tomography.

Treatment of bite problems

The treatment of problems with occlusion and chewing may be the result of many factors intensifying a given problem. Treatment includes not only ways how to relieve thesymptoms but also removing the cause of the problem. In addition, the patient receives detailed instructions from the doctor on how to eliminate bad habits.

Reducing the effect of crooked teeth.

Children's dentistry

Having fun and being safe during your visit, caring for milk teeth is just as important as caring for permanent teeth.


It can distort the proportions of the face, there may be problems with eating food and with digestion.


Improving the appearance of teeth, treating speech impediments, and treating chewing and biting problems.

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    For the sake of your safety and well-being, in the clinic every treatment is preceded by a consultation. During the pre-surgery consultation, each patient must inform the physician of all their current and past illnesses, medications they are taking or have taken, and their health. Consultation before surgery will dispel all your doubts and fears.

    Correct Bite - Before and After

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    147 Ruislip Road,
    Greenford, London
    UB6 9QQ

    phone 07747 474755

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    Mon – Sat 11:00 – 18:00

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