Dermal Fillers and Lip Enhancement for natural looking lips. Obtain perfect proportions.


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Dermal fillers are special products that can be injected into lips to modify and enhance their shape and size. Areas surrounding the lips can albo be injected with dermal fillers to smooth out wrinkles and improve the appearance of the skin.

There are many techniques of lip filler injections however, to minimise swelling and bruising after lip filler fine micro-cannula rather than a needle can be used to inject lip filler. Sometimes migration of lip fillers outside the designated area can occur and therefore filling the lips with more than 1ml every 6 months can be too much and could cause overfilling of the lips.

Lip filler injections need to be performed with care and are considered an art. Our cosmetic doctors and nurses are highly trained by Dr Małgorzata Lewicka-Kisiel to achieve beautiful, natural-looking lips. Visualization ©

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077 4747 4755

How can lips be enhanced with dermal fillers?

Having lip fillers? How does it look like?

A consultation with our staff members is essential prior to any lip fillers treatment. During this assessment, your practitioner will discuss the amount of product to be injected, the expected outcomes, risks and benefits of the procedure. It is important to plan ahead as there is a possibility of swelling and bruising, so the treatment date may need to be postponed.

Our practitioners use fine micro-cannulas to perform filler injections. This significantly minimises the amount of swelling and bruising and to minimise recovery time. Local anaesthetic injections can be used to numb the lips before the proceduren. This is an option for most sensitive patients.

How often should I use dermal fillers?

Hyaluronic acid fillers are most commonly distributed in 1mL syringes. Manufacturers state that the approximate effectiveness of fillers is 6-12 months. However, MRI scans performed on patients who had fillers done indicate that fillers are still present even 10 years after the procedure. It is apparent that lip fillers do remain in the body for much longer than 6 months. Frequent procedures, filling of the lips and face can easily lead to over-filling as the product dont just dissapear after a few months. Lip fillers can displace out of the initial injection area into surrounding cavities. This can create an illusion that the filler has already dissolved. Specialists at Eskulap Clinics recommend to inject lips using only a small amount during each visit. The rest of the product can be distributed to other areas of the face.

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    How much filler should I use to have aesthetically pleasing lips?

    It is important to discuss your expectations during the assessment. During the initial consultation our staff take time to discuss your needs. Every face is unique and it is essential to have lips that fit the face appropriately. Patients with smaller facial features (eyes, nose) do benefit from smaller lips. Injecting too much dermal filler into a small face could result a unnatural appearance. Beauty standards developped over the years indicate that the bottom lip is slightly larger than the top lip. Also the upper lip should protrude slightly when looking at the patients profile.

    Are there any side effects of lip filler enhancement?

    After lip injections, the most prominent side effect could be swelling of the lips. This may be visible from 3 to 14 days. Usually the swelling goes away after a few days. Usually injection of the lip body produces more swelling than the border. The type of dermal filler used also determines to an extent the degree of swelling. A bruise may also appear as a result of needling however, using a cannula instead of a needle can significantly reduce the side effects. The swelling can be treated with ice packs. Drinking a lot of water a few hours after the procedure can also contribute to swelling. Lip balm can help to prevent dry lips. It is also advised to avoid extreme exercise and excessive UV exposure for a few days after the procedure. Sometimes hyaluroniic acid can form little lumps. If these are felt you are able to massage them few times a day until they have resolved. If lumps persist, you may need to contact your doctor or nurse.

    Lip augmentation London – Eskulap clinic

    The procedure of enlarging, or rather modeling the lips (because it is not always about changing the size), does not take long. Takes about half an hour. During this time, the specialist covers the mouth with anesthetic cream, and then goes into action. After the treatment, minor bruises or swelling may appear, which disappear within a few days. We always thoroughly discuss the expectations of our clients and provide detailed post-treatment instructions. Lip augmentation in London at the Eskulap clinic runs in a great atmosphere and the results are amazing.

    Aesthetic Medicine Skin Clinic in London and Birmingham office

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    How much Lip Fillers cost?

    At west London and Birmingham clinics we offer different types of fillers. Lip fillers cost £300 for one syringe. View the full price list HERE.

    Quality and Safety

    For the sake of your safety and well-being, in the clinic each treatment is preceded by a consultation. During the consultation before the procedure, each patient must inform the doctor about all their current and past medical conditions, the medicines they are taking or receiving and the state of their health. During the consultation, a treatment will be chosen especially to suit your needs.

    Only a physician and qualified staff with medical education may perform treatments in the field of aesthetic medicine. Products used at the Aesthetic Medicine Skin Clinic Eskulap mmKisiel London, Birmingham and Słupsk are prescription only drugs and available only to doctors. Consultation before the procedure will dispel all your doubts and fears.

    Lip Enhancement - Before and After

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    147 Ruislip Road,
    Greenford, London
    UB6 9QQ

    phone 07747 474755

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    Mon – Sat 11:00 – 18:00

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